415-254-7786 Appointment

Aesthetician Servicesin Marin County, CA

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Skilled Precision

Aesthetician Services in Marin

Our aesthetic providers understand your preferences for an updated appearance. At Haus of Marin Medical Aesthetics, we take pride in our commitment to providing you with a treatment experience that is both rejuvenating and elegant in every aspect. Schedule an appointment with us soon to discuss all of our Marin Aesthetician Services that we offer, such as chemical peels and dermaplaning at our office in Marin County, California. We look forward to helping you reach your aesthetic goals!

Revive Your Youthful Look

What are Chemical Peels | Dermaplaning?

Chemical Peels

A chemical solution is used during a Chemical Peel, sometimes referred to as chemexfoliation or dermapeeling, to enhance the appearance of your skin. In this procedure, your aesthetic provider will apply a chemical solution to your skin, resulting in exposing newer layers. Over time, the skin layers begin to peel away, revealing smoother, younger-looking skin.


The top layers of the epidermis are gently removed using a surgical blade during Dermaplaning, a non-invasive, painless process that removes a buildup of three to four weeks' worth of dead skin cells. Additionally, dermaplaning removes vellus hair or "peach fuzz."

Aesthetic Services at Haus of Marin Medical Aesthetics

We are your partners in your aesthetic journey. Whether it’s chemical peels, dermaplaning, or any other Aesthetic Service we offer, the team at Haus of Marin Medical Aesthetics is dedicated to helping you rejuvenate, replenish, and revive your skin’s appearance.

Skin Renewal

What can aesthetic services do?

Chemical peels are a type of facial treatment that uses a chemical solution to remove the outer layers of the skin. The benefits of Chemical Peels include:

  • Improving the appearance of fine lines and wrinkles
  • Treating acne and acne scars
  • Improving the overall tone and texture of the skin
  • Reducing the appearance of age spots and freckles

Dermaplaning is a facial treatment that involves using a small, sterile blade to scrape the surface of the skin gently. The benefits of Dermaplaning include:

  • Exfoliating the skin and removing dead skin cells
  • Improving the appearance of fine lines and wrinkles
  • Reducing the appearance of acne scars
  • Promoting the absorption of skincare products
  • Giving the skin a smooth, soft appearance
Marin Aesthetician Services model with brown hair
Marin Medspa Haus of Marin logo

Let Us Address Your Questions

Your Aesthetic Services Consultation

Your consultation is about you. We want to understand your aesthetic goals and what you want to improve. From there, our highly-trained aesthetic providers will be able to tailor our service to your specific needs, including our chemical peels and dermaplaning.

Prep Your Skin

Chemical Peels | Dermaplaning Preparation and Procedure

For the week prior to your treatment, avoid exposure to the sun and harsh chemicals. Do not schedule any hair removal or dying appointments. We will clean your face, cover your hair, and protect your eyes with ointment, gauze, tape, or goggles before the treatment. We will use a brush, cotton ball, gauze, or sponge to apply a chemical solution that contains glycolic acid or salicylic acid. The skin will start to lighten after treatment. While the chemical solution is on your skin, you can experience moderate stinging. We will then wash the treated area with a neutralizing solution or apply a wash to remove the chemical solution.

Marin Aesthetician Services model wearing white

Maintain Your Elegance

Chemical Peels | Dermaplaning Recovery, Results, and Aftercare

Although these side effects might become less pronounced with subsequent treatments, treated skin will initially be red, dry, and somewhat irritated. We may apply a protective ointment like petroleum jelly to calm the skin. Usually, you can choose to wear makeup the following day. After a gentle chemical peel, treated areas require one to seven days to heal. New skin can appear brighter or darker than usual initially. A chemical peel reduces the visibility of fine wrinkles while enhancing skin tone and texture. Though slight, the effects are more substantial with each session.

Maintaining your Chemical Peels | Dermaplaning results

The good thing about our Aesthetician Services is that they are easily accessible each month. While one treatment will show visible results, you’ll see smoother, younger-looking skin by coming in for multiple sessions. On top of that, a good skincare routine, proper hydration, and exercise will extend the life of your treatments. With our Aesthetician Services Marin patients will look and feel like new!

Aesthetician ServicesFrequently Asked Questions

We advise you to wait to schedule your appointment if you are pregnant or breastfeeding.

You will likely experience moderate burning or stinging sensation during the peel.

You may experience redness and swelling.

Chat with us to decide on the best course of action for your therapy. We will construct your unique plan and the finest solutions for your spending limit.

Chemical peels encourage the regeneration and renewal of new skin cells by removing the top layers of the epidermis with chemical solutions, while Dermaplaning uses a tiny physical blade.

There are many options for skin renewal and reducing fine lines, wrinkles, and flaws. Book a consultation with us to discuss your best options.

Book Your Appointment Today

Our obsession with exceptional results is rivaled only by our passion for creating a fun and rejuvenating experience from the moment you walk in our door. Schedule your first treatment today, or set up a consultation to get assistance creating a treatment tailored to your needs. We offer virtual and in-person consultations, so it’s easy to get started at any time. See you soon!

29 First Street Suite 100, Corte Madera, CA 94924